
Logos, imprints, and/or trademarks displayed on products within this website are solely for the purpose of illustrating printing capabilities. They are not intended to imply or reflect endorsement of products by the companies the imprints may represent. This also includes products imprinted with particular ads, logos or trademarks available for sale to anyone other than parties expressly authorized by the owner of such designs.
All images are the property of their respective copyright holder, and are used with permission. Please do not use any of our images without permission of the webmaster.
Prices on the Great Ideas Inc. website are believed to be as accurate as possible. True item pricing are those of our actual catalogs, and any mistakes on the website will be corrected upon discovery. We may chose not to honor incorrect prices on our website upon our own assessment. As well, actual item prices may change faster than the webpage can be updated (particularly when dealing with electronics of collectibles). Many personalized items are subject to setup charges from the factory. Please contact our customer service department for details and an exact quote.
We reserve the right to change or discontinue any programs or deals we feature on the site without any prior notification. We try to keep the site as up-to-date as possible, but it may not always accurately reflect programs and deals we are running, and we reserve the right to not honor any inaccuracies upon our discretion.

All reasonable measures have been taken to ensure the integrity of this webpage and all it's content, however we can not be held responsible for any problems that may occur due to the viewing of this webpage. We cannot be held responsible for the claims and content of the webpages beyond our domain.

Security & Privacy

Great Ideas Inc., uses state-of-the-art data encryption to ensure security on order forms in the shopping cart that meets or exceeds National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) standards. Our office uses multiple redundant security methods to ensure all data is secured at all times. Credit card security and customer anonymity are of our highest priorities, and all measures have been taken to try and ensure privacy and security. Many Company Stores are password protected upon the request of customers. If you need a password, please contact the webmaster.
All information collected or submitted on the Great Ideas Inc. website is also kept secure, and are never resold or used inappropriately. On some pages, you can order products, make requests, and register to receive materials. The types of personal information collected at these pages are: Name - Address - Email address - Phone number - Fax number - Credit/Debit Card Information - (etc.). we do not collect or maintain information received from our website from those we actually know are under 13, and no part of our website is structured to attract anyone under 13. We use provided information to complete any orders or service requests made by you. We do not share this information with outside parties, except to the extent necessary to complete that order or request. User testimonials are used with permission, and all requests for anonymity are honored.
Any problems, questions, or issues about the website may be directed to it's webmaster or via the contact form, or you may contact us by phone at 800-611-5515 or 847-432-9060.

© 2009 Great Ideas, Inc. / Corporate Sponsored Programs, Inc.